Reunion News
The first reunion was really the brain child of Mary Lou Srur. Mary Lou had listened to her husband "Dennett" wonder aloud what had ever become of this shipmate or that shipmate over the years? She had also listened to him daydream over the years as to what it might be like to see old friends and shipmates once again after so many years?
After listening for what seemed an eternity, Mary Lou grabbed the bull by the horns and started to track people down. She began asking as to whether anyone would be interested in getting together to relive our days of glory? And! Thus an idea began to germinate and was ultimately realized in the first ever "USS McCormick (DDG-8) Reunion!
The first "McCormick" reunion was held in Minneapolis- St. Paul. Why there? Well, thats where Mary Lou and Dennett live! Mary Lou and Dennett hosted the first reunion at the Marriott Hotel in Bloomington, Mn. By most standards the first reunion was a relatively small affair, but a rousing success for a first time effort. Sixteen former McCormick shipmates attended that first gathering.
Former shipmates greeted one another and renewed old friendships and formed new ones in that first meeting. Sea stories were told and re-told into the wee small hours. Now since this was Bloomington, Minnesota we're talking about, there isn't much of a Naval presence there. So, rather than decend on the local Navy Recruiter's office en mass, it was decided to visit the "Aviation Hall of Fame" and "The Mall of America".
On the last night of the reunion everyone adjourned to the Hospitality Suite at the "Bloomington Marriott" for a meeting at which was formed the "USS Lynde McCormick (DDG-8) Association and Reunion Committee". A poll was conducted to determine if there was sufficient interest in another reunion. There was! It was then decided that there would be a second "McCormick" reunion.
Mary Lou kept working to locate more McCormick shipmates and when found inviting them to the next reunion.
The second reunion was also hosted by Mary Lou and Dennett Srur. This time the logistics were a tad different in that the reunion was being held in sunny San Diego, California. The Hospitality Suite was located in the Holiday Inn on the Bay.
Fifty-five people attended this the second reunion, forty-one of whom were fromer "Lynde McCormick" crew members. A "Welcome and Reception" were held on Thursday night in the Hospitality Suite where old friends renewed friendships and new friendships were forged in a common bond of Duty, Service and the Love of an old ship.
Friday morning whitnessed the gathering of Sailors of a bye gone era at the 32nd Street Gate of the San Diego Naval Base where they were hosted by the young and proud crew of a brand new Guided Missile Destroyer, the "USS Stethem (DDG-63)". While mightily impressed with the vast changes in technology, the quality of living conditions for the crew and the tremendous capability of this new ship, many of the McCormick Sailors could be heard to say "Nothing could be better than the "Old Girl".
From those of us who had the opportunity to visit with the fine Officers and Crew of the USS Stethem (DDG-63), may we extend a heart felt thank you for your warm hospitality and allowing us to share your vessel with you for a short time. "Thank You!"
Friday afternoon and most of the day Saturday were free time for everyone to spend as they pleased. To seek out old haunts, a walk along the Sea Wall at Seaport Village or a day spent shopping at Horton Plaza.
Saturday evening everyone gathered at the Hotel for a dinner in one of the banquet rooms and a meeting to discuss the next "Reunion". Once again Mary Lou returned to tracking people down and inviting them to attend the next reunion.
Jim Hirshfield volunteered to host the next reunion scheduled to be held in Seattle, Washington.
The 1998 USS Lynde McCormick (DDG-8) Ships Reunion was held in Seattle Washington at the Roosevelt Hotel and hosted by Jim Hirshfield Jr. This years reunion was attended by fifty people, thirty-one of whom were former "McCormick" crew members.
As has become custom, a "Welcome" and "Reception" were held in the hospitality suite at the Roosevelt Hotel on Thursday night. As had happened during the previous reunions, shipmate who had not seen one another in thirty or more years greeted one another and marveled over the changes in personal appearence time had effected. New friendships between crew members who served in "McCormick" at different times were made and sea stories exchanged.
Friday morning dawned bright and early as we all made our way to the Seattle waterfront. We had been invited to go aboard the Fast Frigate USS Ingraham (FFG-61) and to ride the ship from Seattle to the ships Homeport in Everett, Washington. Upon arriving on the "Ingraham", the first order of business was breakfast served by the "Ingraham" crew. Some of us were invited to breaKfast in the CPO Mess where some newly selected Cheif Petty Officers were preparing for their rite of passage.
After breakfast, the crew conducted tours of the ship and we could see the obvious pride this crew had in their vessel as they conducted us about explaining various points of interest to us old timers. Many of us were very impressed with the professionalism displayed by the Officers and Crew of this ship.
Upon arriving peirside in Everett, we disembarked the "Ingraham" and prceeded to the Naval Station Galley for lunch. In days past we called it the "Enlisted Mess"! Now a days it's known as the "Enlisted Dinning Facility" or "EDF". Irrespective of what it's called, they serve an excellent meal! After lunch we boarded buses and were given a tour of the Everett Naval Station. The Everett Naval Station is one of the Navy's newest facilities, built specifically to provide homeporting facilities to the Navy's super Carriers and their attendent Battle Groups.
The Buses then delivered us back to Seattle where open time had been scheduled so that all the attendee's could poke around Seattle as they pleased. There are many things to do and see in and around Seattle, there are harbor tours, Pioneer Square, the Space Needle, and shopping at the Pike's Place Market. Some of us took the opportunity to visit the local "Planet Hollywood"!
Saturday evening it was time for the Banquet and our Farewells until the next time. We wish to thank Mr. Jim Hirshfield Jr. for all the time and effort he put into making this a memorable reunion. We would also like to thank all those that Mr. Hirshfield enlisted to help him bring this off. Thank You!
We would also like to extend our warmest regards to the fine Officers and Crew of the USS Ingraham (FFG-61) and a heart felt Thank You for the time and effort in affording us the opportunity to spend some time aboard your vessel despite your very busy schedule. Fair Winds and Following Sea's shipmate's!
The next ship's reunion will be in Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Doug Jeffords has volunteered to host this reunion. Mr. Jeffords has provided the following information. Please click a button below
Mary Lou has received a letter from Mr. Ken Douglas with some pictures of the McCormick. Mr. Douglas indicates the Mighty Mac is sitting in the water somewhere near San Francisco and there are plans to rebuild her. Mary Lou plans to mail a letter to all with this information some time in the near future.
Tuesday 12 September 2000
To All Lynde McCormick Shipmates:
The reunion scheduled for October 19-21, 2000 has been canceled due to
low number of registrants (21 total). I hope that no one is
inconvenienced by
this somewhat late cancellation, but Mary Lou and I kept hoping that
people would register at the last minute. If you have registered already, please advise me if you want your money
refunded, or would rather let it stay "in the kitty" pending
rescheduling. We hope to reschedule the reunion for late spring, 2001, with the same
similar program. Please let me know ASAP if sometime in March or May
2001 (the first weekend in May 2001), in Nashville, would interest you,
or if
some other date or a completely different location would be better.
Capt. Doug Jeffords USNR (Ret)